There's a shortage of really good Flash Survivor Zombie Games out there, and this one does come out on top as a very good and well made game. Not without its flaws but still containing a load of fun.
The story mode is very basic, you have an outbreak by unknown causes, you go to find your wife and discover a branch of the military is up to no good, and then try to escape only to discover your wife turns to a zombie. IT'S VERY BASIC.
But a really nice touch were the messages on the walls and the documents here and there. Each had their sad goodbyes or realities and some others had information. Honestly though, I felt this was under exploited as most of these messages were a bunch of sorry goodbyes. It would have been better if a handful of them were instructions to weapon staches, locations keys, blueprints for weapons or revealed how this Outbreak started.
There wasn't much to the gameplay. WASD to move, mouse to aim, R to reload, but what striked me as strange was you scroll over items to search them instead of just pressing E. But it was nice considering doing it the old way could result in taking stuff unnecessary or accidentally opening a door instead of searching a box.
I felt like more could have been done, but it was good. An evasion move would have been useful or a way to avoid bullets and punches would have helped a great deal. However the shove mechanic was really useful and saved my ass quite a bit.
I also liked the companion option, but I was disappointed to only find two companions. However I felt that giving them a full inventory for two weapons and armor would have been very helpful. Cause my guys die to quickly sometimes.
One thing I really wanted to mention was the upgrade system which I really liked, but I was annoyed that you only had 1 and 10 points and that you couldn't upgrade those to be higher. However I felt like there wasn't enough to do to max out your character's stats.
One of my big pet peeves was the constant missing. Even though I was point blank range with a sniper rifle I somehow miss... why? I get with a shotgun at medium range, an automatic at longer and a damaged sniper at long range... but still it was infuriating.
The survival mode however was well rounded as you had to sleep and eat. However even with high stats I was constantly starving and loosing sleep which was annoying to say the least. And unfortunately, once you loot everything, it becomes hard to find food to stay alive... but I digress.
OH BEFORE I FORGET!!! I am a true believer in SMART movement engines, and felt this could have been done as well. To slide on the ground (and knock your enemies down), climb up objects, climb buildings and obvious ladders and maybe even do aerial kicks would have been cool.
This game did an excellent job with the weapons. Several types of the same category and all in different conditions makes you prioritize your style which was really good. Also the upgrades for your character did help with the performance, but not well enough to overlook the missing trait. And while it was a bit realistic to have your weapon unloaded when you put in the slot, it was annoying to know that I reloaded it, switched it, switched it again and found it unloaded... CONTINUITY ERROOOOR!!!!
I liked the bonus weapons you find in your storage, but seriously man, I found no 50. Cal ammo and was severely upset. For a 28 pound weapon and no ammo was seriously disappointing.
My biggest pet peeve was the Melee weapons Range deal. At point blank range I can't hit the enemy, and at the edge of my weapon I couldn't hit them. Especially with the battle axe, it wouldn't hit anywhere higher than the blade. If you can't change the range of each melee weapon, the least you could do is try to keep their size relative to the size of the hitbox.
It's obvious. There's armor here, and even zombies have it. But I've seen no difference between going butt naked and wearing a Kevlar vest. Also why do Zombies have the rights to riot shields and we don't?
That should be considered.
However I really liked the idea that you met that guy who would build you weapons for parts. Unfortunately though, that joy didn't last long as he only built 3 weapons and could do no more.
What I felt should have been done was that you found more people like him, who built either very rare or down right impossible to gather weapons in exchange for parts.
It would have also been amazing if you pulled off a Dead Rising and allowed us to craft our own insane weapons out of the spare parts.
And while all of this would have taken extra work, I felt it should have been done because of the over- abundance of parts and no use for them is silly. In a world of apocalypse, crafting IS ESSENTIAL.
It was nice of you to put in the trader, who'd trade you good stuff for cash. It was a generally good system, but I found it again, under-exploited.
In simplicity, trading in ONLY CASH was a waste of resources. It would have been better to find multiple traders who traded in different things. Someone who'd accept junk, or weapons or health items would have been better. Cause we get all these guns and parts and no use for them.
This was a final peeve of mine. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, I loved how there was so much to explore... but I was VERY disappointed to find out all those detailed spots weren't explorable and that only a few were. This shortens the gameplay time by a large value and made the ending unsatisfying because you had nothing left to do.
Cons: This game lacks several features EVERY APOCALYPTIC GAME SHOULD HAVE.
The lack of area to explore, slowness to upgrade, lack of crafting, few companions/traders/builders, weapon troubles and occasional bugs are what really stops this game from being perfect.
However the games constant fun, survival mode, weapon diversity and clothes, upgrade, lockpicking, shoving, companions AND MORE definitely keep this game fun, scary and long enough to be satisfied. I definitely advise everyone to take this for a long ass ride.
Take this review as suggestions for your next big game Con-Artists. I think you can make a better Last Stand even though this one is already damn good.